Sunday, April 25, 2010


Being a junior pilot, I was flying with the world ranking pilots. It sounds too energetic. At first glance you feel like being at their place and enjoying the flight. Those deep spirals, wing over, B-stall, etc. which was impossible for me that time. I saw many senior pilots like Mani, Mike, Pascal, Antonio, Dave, etc. whose flying taught me many things in Paragliding.
If you see them flying, you learn many things like weight shifting, deep turns, flying close to the ridge, etc. these are the advantages, but you need to be a good observer for that.
But their flying can also teach you some bad things, if you don’t learn them the right way and right time, they all did that and now they are highly experienced pilots. Well I tried that many times and it was deadly for me as a junior pilot. That day I was trying to go for deep and fast 360s, I don’t know what happened, but my glider went in a spin and I performed a stunt ‘HELICOPTER’ I had a good control on my glider so it recovered, but everyone thought that it was a stunt. And I was called ACRO after that. Paragliding is not an easy game and I understood this later. This event took place accidently but it taught me a lesson.
Please note: ‘Observation is good, but you should use it on the right place’ FLY SAFE!!!

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