Exams are so much pain, this not just my opinion but of all the 10 million people who have attempted for it. Exams are ofcorse necessary but why to fear children with it? Now a days, children no more get scared of ghost dreams but of exams. Waking up early in the morning or studying late till night, wouldn’t that harm someone’s health? I have my exams going on now, but I have noticed that after my every exam finishes I yet feel that my exams are yet to come and I don’t often get sleep at nights. Something is wrong or not in the system?
It is very clear for 80% of the population what they want to become then why study anything which is not at all helpful for us in future. If someone wants to become a scientist, then all those chemical formulas are essential but for a person who wants to become an actor or photographer then how are molecules and atoms going to help? I am a paraglider pilot but I never say “oh! I guess there are some atoms quarrelling in the nylon of my wing which is leading to the sink rate because they ain’t listening to me.” I mean how silly is that?
Every person has his own taste. Studying is fun for me when I study geography or economics or political science and I always top in those. But I have to study the other subjects… How Thales or Pythagoras or Faraday is going to help me if I have a collapse in my glider or if something like that in 2012 happen?
I wonder how geeks manage to study the subjects they don’t like or maybe they don’t like any therefore have to study everything and hence are called geeks.
Exams make me think extra than needed. No, seriously not joking!!! When I see light I think of physics, when I see a frog I think of biology, these are just two examples if I tell you about others it may take an hour to read.
Why do children barely of 15 years of age have to visit ‘Manashanti Centers’ (mind peace) after exams? It makes me freak-out even if I close my book for a minute during exams and get tensed. Specially the CCE pattern introduced by the CBSE in India; the worst ever. You can’t miss any assignments nor can bunk schools or tuitions, the teachers can even cut your marks if you misbehave in the class. In India if you sleep in the class or ask permission for drinking water is called misbehaving. My school is situated on one of the best hill stations in the country and we sit in class and enjoy the chalk dust.
I just hope these exams get over as soon as possible!!! After all paragliding is what I am actually living for and not some stupid exams.

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