28th January,2007-Kaniffnath, Pune (My Paragliding Record)
After 6 months of training I attempted for a record to FLY HIGH and consume time as much as I can, in the air, as the YOUNGEST FEMALE PILOT IN INDIA.
My Coach Mr. Eric never thought that I would be successful in doing at least one flight as I was too small[10years] and light weight to go on a flight. He tried to explain the risk factor in this game but I never wanted to listen to him, he took me on a tandom ride and did some spirals to scare me but I had fun. He later agreed to teach me 'SOLO FLYING ' on an agreement, I and my parents had to sign on a bond in which it was written that if ANY INJURIES OR DEATH takes place then the institution will not be responsible for it. But who cares for that!!! I just wanted to have fun either by "hook or crook". At last I started my training by bunking school for around 2-3 weeks and it was fun because no studies and only flying...........
After the course finished I got a Certificate of P-I and P-II Course with a red mark on it in which it was written "please don't dare to fly alone" as I had gone crazy about this game and flew on a different site without my Coach's permission in Thermic conditions, which now I realize, was wrong.After some days a new Glider was ordered specially for my weight range but yet I had to carry extra weight on it as I usually do.
In my absence, Eric sir watched out for the Youngest Pilot in India but found out that it was a guy whose age was 13 years and was the youngest to fly. He informed us about it and we were surprised to know that I was the Youngest Pilot in India and can set a record. We informed the media about it and fixed the date for record 28th January,2007 the happiest day of my life.
Back to the topic..........
It was 3.00 p.m and the wind was NIL every one was present to see the record; the media, my relatives, my friends and all. But the wind was still NIL, we waited for 2 hours and I was bearing the pressure in the public. But god knows what magic he did and the wind started slowly. I couldn't control my happiness and opened my glider as fast as I could. I took off from the take off point at 5.00 p.m. exactly. As I took off everyone gave me a huge round of a clause and that was my most memorable minute. I soared for around 1 hour and gained the height of 2,500 ft. from the ground and landed safely with a huge smile on my face. After I landed, there were around 20 people surrounding me in which most of them were reporters. I gave many T.V. interviews. That night, we had a huge party in the town.
When I returned to my school after a rest of 2 days, I was a STAR and the most famous personality in the school.
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